The Facilitator
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Pinned 11 years 2 months ago into african plan

125 000.00€
GROCERY retail chain Spar in Africa


GROCERY retail chain Spar in Africa

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Popular Attractions in AfricaAfrica records drop in cereal productionSolar lights for harvest time in AfricaSolar Water Heater in AfricaSolar Water Pumping in Africajewelry store in AfricaOil Refining Plant in AfricaBus Rapid Transit in AfricaSmall Ruminant Production in Africadrinking water industria in AfricaDoing business in Cameroon
Cocoa production in Africa
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The Facilitator

Furniture Making School in Africa
Jean Pierre honla
Workshop : Internazionalizzazione e Promozione scambi in Italy
African Quality Meat
Black Beauty
the wind turbine manufacturer
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african plan

you have any Catering in Africa
Interior Decoration
Workshop : Internazionalizzazione e Promozione scambi in Italy
Maize Production in Africa
Working on the wind turbine to try and cut the school's energy costs
Water Purification Plant in Africa


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