The Facilitator
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Pinned 11 years 2 months ago into african plan

125 000.00€
GROCERY retail chain Spar in Africa


GROCERY retail chain Spar in Africa

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Restaurants in Africathe Meat of AfricaAvailable industrial land through the AfricaAfrica AgribusinessProducing corn in AfricaMating/fertilizing at hatcheries in AfricaWorking on the wind turbine to try and cut the school's energy costsEmployees work in an automobile spare parts factory in AfricaPalm Oil Processing in AfricaLiberia to Restart LoggingAFRICAN RESTAURANT
Pineapple juice jam making plant in Africa
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The Facilitator

Workshop : Internazionalizzazione e Promozione scambi in Italy
European fair
restaurant  African style pub
Door to doing business in Africa
Investing in Stocks
Burkina Faso School Buildings
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african plan

Corn Production in Africa
Is a African chain of clothing stores that was founded
Catering, African Cuisine
Stocking merchandise and shipping service
Computer Class for Beginners in Africa


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