We are using donations to pay for getting AFRICAN PLAN to villages throughout  Africa where they have poor Internet access, for more translations and to get inventors and funders together to support the global dissemination of free projects.

We feel great about making AFRICAN PLAN free for everyone, but all these things we do aren't free, so your donation is truly what makes it possible. It is exciting to hear about the impact AFRICAN PLAN is having in Africa, Millions of people have already seen it and thousands have held screenings in their communities to help inform local solutions.

To see how people are taking effective action together, check out our web site www.africanplan.org.

Thank you again for your support. It makes an africa of difference

How to donate
To donate, click the button below and entering the amount you wish, which will be deducted from your Paypal account.
If you have an account with Paypal, click the button below and sign up for one now, just a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, PostePay, etc..).

And 'safe Paypal?
Paypal is the safest way to send money through the internet, it is a company that acts as intermediary in economic transactions guaranteeing total security and privacy. It is used every day to millions of transactions, so I chose this mode to receive donations.

Donations are not tax-deductible.

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