The Facilitator
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Pinned 11 years 2 months ago into african plan

200 000.00€
Remanufacturing of printer heads and electromechanical assemblies in Africa


Remanufacturing of printer heads and electromechanical assemblies in Africa

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Africa become the manufacturing hub of the futureBEAUTIFUL BOTANIC GARDENS PROJECT!New Fashion Clothing Store in Africarestaurant  African style pubRUSH MANGO FARM IN AFRICAOne Computer Internet Café and Call Center in AfricaCoconut milk processing industries in AfricaAvailable industrial land through the Africafruit juice making plant in africadrinking water industria in AfricaTractors are the leading provider of agricultural tractors in Africa
Computer Repair and Maintenance in Africa
Originally pinned by

The Facilitator

Car Rental Show and Go in Africa
Trucking companies in Africa
la belle cafe bakery in Africa
Technical Advice
Africa retail sales growth slow
Retail food south africa
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african plan

Road Freight Africa. Road Transportation Services. Integral Logistics
Coffee Shop and Bakery in Africa
Africa's textile industry
prioritises regional industrial
look to drive trade and investment
Corn Production in Africa


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