The Facilitator
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Pinned 11 years 3 months ago into african plan

1 200 000.00€
Pineapple juice jam making plant in Africa


Pineapple juice jam making plant in Africa

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Food Processing Target Industries in AfricaCatering to the food technology in AfricaTips for agriculture investors in AfricaMango production in AfricaIrrigated Vegetable Production in AfricaRoasting Plant Coffee in AfricaWorkers at the Agri-Business in AfricaThe Wonderful Soybean in Africaextraction oil at groundnut oil in AfricaPapaya opportunity in Africa
Africa Agribusiness
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The Facilitator

TRUTH Coffee Shop In Africa
Fruit paste fruit juice concentrated in Africa
Beautiful home in Africa
In Africa, a supermarket
Investing in Stocks
Burkina Faso School Buildings
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african plan

ICT infrastructure in increasing access to higher education in Africa
Africa Auto Industry
Consumer Goods and Services in Africa
Solar hand light in Africa
Solar lights for harvest time in Africa
manufacturing plant in Africa


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