The Facilitator
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Pinned 11 years 3 months ago into african plan

180 000.00€
Catering to the food technology in Africa


Catering to the food technology in Africa

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Soybean in AfricaAfrica: Farmers to acquire 40% of cassavaAfrican AgricultureMaize Production in AfricaPapaya production in AfricaBanana Industries in AfricaThe Wonderful Soybean in AfricaCoconut milk processing industries in AfricaPapaya opportunity in AfricaAgriculture in Africa – Investments for Small Scale FarmersVegetables Production in Africa
Kassava processing industries in Africa
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The Facilitator

African manufacturing
Vegetables Production in Africa
Power from the wind in Africa
Investment key to creating job opportunities
Construction | Hanvard Africa
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african plan

industry Parks and Recreation in Africa
Solar street lamps help in Africa
Retail food south africa
Tractors are the leading provider of agricultural tractors in Africa
Project Flowers and Trees in Africa


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